Week 4: Forum

TOPIC 1: NPPA CODE OF ETHICS -- Look at the National Press Photographers Association Code of Ethics posted on Moodle.

  1. Which item in the "Code of Ethics” section do you find most compelling? EXPLAIN WHY that stands out.
  2. Next, look at the list under "Ideally, photojournalists should ...” Again, pick the item that most stands out for you and EXPLAIN WHY you think it matters.
  3. Write about an EXAMPLE that illustrates one of the principles you highlighted from the NPPA Code of Ethics. In other words, how would you apply the rule?

TOPIC 2: FAVORITE PHOTOS -- As we approach the midpoint of the term, let's do a shoutout for some of your fellow students' work.

Go through the class blog and pick out TWO PHOTOS by TWO DIFFERENT STUDENTS other than yourself that you appreciate.

Then tell why you like the photo (e.g. great subject, angle, use of light, details in the caption). Be sure to include LINKS to your favorite photos! If you like, POST A COPY of the photos, too.

NOTE: If somebody already has written about a certain photo, please pick another. Thanks.


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