week 8 forum

WEEK 8 MEDIA BLOG POST rank No. 1 and No. 2 what you believe to be the two most-compelling chapters in Parts Three and Four (chapters 7-13). In your essay, make clear:

My favorite chapter in this book is chapter 10, “Driver Expire” and my second favorite chapter is chapter seven, “Women Are Casualties of Their Birthplace.” I love chapter 10, because it really showed famine and featured many black and white images of the war, and showed children and women civilians. I ranked ten as my favorite chapter because it's raw and shows the realism of the civilians of war.

Chapter ten shows the real life of Lynsey with her boyfriend Paul. The start of the chapter illustrates them on vacation and then him asking her to marry him. The chapter goes into Lynsey Addario meeting with a Taliban man who would not look her into the eye because she was female. Lynsey and Raza, her driver had been attacked. She woke up and she was being carried away and sat on a hospital bed next to Raza. They had been in a car accident. Her driver Raza had died and Lynsey instantly felt her heart drop. The rest of the chapter displays deeper into Lynsey's personal like, but it also shows that sacrifices that she has taken in order to be a great war photographer. The chapter displays some of her wedding photographs. but also shows some afghan women and civilians as well. My favorite quote in this chapter would have to be, "A nurse with a head scar stood over me, to my left, holding a giant needle full of liquid. I asked her if the needle was clean. She looked at me as if I was insane." I love this quote, because it really shows that Lynsey was out of place. It shows the cultural barriers that were apparent as well.

My favorite photo on chapter ten is a photo on page 273 of Afghan women standing on the side of a mountain in Badakhshan Province, Afghanistan. I love this picture because the background is amazing and it embodies the environment so well. I also like it because the women are wear covers that match the sky.

I learned through these chapters that being gentle and making people feel comfortable is a big part part of what makes a great journalist. I also learned to take risks.


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